[texworks] New TeXworks release: 0.6.5

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 14:36:07 CET 2020

I just installed 0.6.5 (on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6), and noticed that 
one of my customized typesetting scripts stopped working.  I tracked 
this down to the script running with the PATH set to


while my script needs some things in /usr/local/bin, which is in the 
list of "Paths for TeX and related programs" in the typesetting 
preferences. I can manually add the path at the start of the script, so 
I have a workaround, but this doesn't look intentional.

Duncan Murdoch

On 26/03/2020 4:42 a.m., Stefan Löffler wrote:
> Dear TeXworks users,
> a few hours ago I released TeXworks 0.6.5. This bugfix release was
> necessary due to two bugs found after the previous release: one
> concerned a strange and annoying mouse selection behavior when running
> on very recent versions of Qt (as is the case, e.g., for the pre-built
> Mac OS X binaries); the other concerned a bug causing TeXworks not
> properly recognizing (and consequently reloading) documents that were
> changed outside of TeXworks.
> Sorry for the inconvenience to all those who already upgraded to 0.6.4.
> Happy TeXing!
> Stefan

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