[texworks] ini path

Alain Delmotte esperanto at swing.be
Sun Mar 22 09:40:41 CET 2009

Hi Jonathan,

Jonathan Kew a écrit :
>> Yesterday I updated the source (r.285-286), using Turtoise SVN Update 
>> and I got many messages of the type:
>> Conflicted: C:\Documents and 
>> Settings\Principal\Bureau\TeXworks-travail\source\trans\TeXworks_fr.ts 
>> All of these messages were about the translation files.
>> Eventually I got (for example for French):
>> TeXworks_fr.qm
>> TeXworks_fr.qm.r282
>> TeXworks_fr.qm.r286
>> TeXworks_fr.ts
>> TeXworks_fr.ts.mine
>> TeXworks_fr.ts.r282
>> TeXworks_fr.ts.r286
>> What do I do with this?
> It sounds like you had touched the TeXworks_fr files locally, and a 
> different update had been committed to the repository, and so you got 
> a conflict. (I wouldn't have touched the actual French translations, 
> of course, but I may have "refreshed" the .ts file with new strings 
> and recompiled the .qm, so the files themselves could have changed.)
Ok I probably touched _fr.ts, but not for nl, tr, ru, it, de!
(NB. I would like to be able to manage all these languages, but I 
don't!! :-(( )
> Depending whether you actually have translation updates that you want 
> to preserve, you might need to read about merging or resolving 
> conflicts with Subversion to understand how it handles this and what 
> you can do.
OK I'll try to understand. :-)



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