[texworks] ini path

Alain Delmotte esperanto at swing.be
Sun Mar 22 09:59:12 CET 2009

Hi again!

Jonathan Kew a écrit :
>> Is this file "texworks-setup.ini" going to replace the 
>> "texworks-portable.ini"?
> Yes. The name has been changed because it will now support an 
> additional setup option primarily intended for use by the TeX Live 
> installer.
OK I compiled the new version (287), changed the name of 
"texworks-portable.ini" and added to it  the path to miktex; now it 
looks like:
inipath = C:/adel/TeXworks/
libpath = C:/adel/TeXworks/
defaultbinpaths = C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.7/miktex/bin

but the executables are not fount.


NB. BTW I did find an error in the French translation.

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