[texworks] Simplified Chinese translation for TeXworks

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 21 12:13:45 CET 2009

On 21 Mar 2009, at 01:22, Yinhe Zhang wrote:

> Hello, Arthur
> Thank you for your suggestion. It is up to Jonathan Kew to decide to  
> use which locale name finally.
> But in Linux the locale environment conventionally uses "zh_CN" for  
> Simplified
> Chinese and "zh_TW" and "zh_HK" for Taiwan and Hongkong respectively .

I think you are right; zh_CN is the appropriate code here.

Arthur, ISO 15924 is about codes for scripts, but the important point  
here is not script but locale. The primary identifying feature of the  
translation is not that it's "Chinese written with the Simplified  
script" (in contrast to the Traditional script), but that it's  
"Chinese as used in PRC" (in contrast to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan,  
etc.) Compare things like en_US vs en_GB, or fr_FR vs fr_CA.

Moreover, from a practical viewpoint, zh_CN is the commonly-supported  
locale code on Linux, for example, and in particular it is the code  
recognized by Qt.

Yinhe, many thanks for doing this translation! I have added it to the  
repository, so it will become part of future builds. I hope you will  
review and update it from time to time, as features get added to the  

Regarding installation, you can build it into the application itself  
(as you did); that's what will happen anyway now that it is part of  
the repository. The other option, to save recompiling TeXworks, would  
be to create the .qm file with Linguist and put it into a translations  
subdirectory of the TeXworks library folder (default: ~/.TeXworks on  
Linux); then the application should recognize it at startup and add to  
the available locales in the Preferences dialog.


> Some terms and parlance are different between simplified and  
> traditional Chinese.
> Use `locale -a' under bash you will see the supported Chinese locales.
> And more, I translated the interface message file using Qt Linguist  
> which can automaticaly
> identify the locale name according to the TeXworks wiki.
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Arthur Reutenauer <arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org 
> > wrote:
>        Hello Yinhe,
>  Thank you for the translation.  Independently of the installation
> issues, may I suggest you use "zh-hans" as a tag for Simplified  
> Chinese,
> instead of zh_cn?  It is the recommended tag according to RFC 4646,
> which describes Simplified Chinese better than zh_cn.  'Hans' is the  
> 15924 script code for Simplified Chinese (as a writing system);
> Traditional Chinese is 'Hant'.
>        Arthur

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