[texshop] TeXShop Feature Request

G. M.-S. lists.gms at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 22:48:36 CET 2023

Thank you very much, Dick, for taking the time to answer me.

I have known *tr* since a very long time, and some other means of
"zapping gremlins".

My use case was that while modifying a file in TeXShop sometimes I
unknowingly enter a control char, and I thought it would have been nice to
see it without leaving TeXShop.

But it is not a big deal, as TeX says where the offending char is.



On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 at 18:53, Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu> wrote:

> Guillermo,
> Unfortunarely, your request would not be straightforward, since many
> features of the TeXShop Editor
> are automatically provided by Apple's TextEdit Cocoa class, and would have
> to be overridden for
> your desired feature.
> A Google search revealed a Unix command = you already have which would do
> the
> ttask in an easier way. Issue the command
> tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' < file-with-binary-chars > clean-file
> This command accepts a file as input and writes a second output file. It
> removes
> all characters except ASCII characters with the given octal values. So it
> allows
> octal 11 trab
> octal 12 linefeed
> octal 15 carriage rerurn
> octal 40 rhrough octal 176
> all the good keyboard characters
> Richard Koch
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