[texshop] TeXShop Feature Request

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Tue Feb 28 18:53:09 CET 2023


Unfortunarely, your request would not be straightforward, since many features of the TeXShop Editor
are automatically provided by Apple's TextEdit Cocoa class, and would have to be overridden for
your desired feature.

A Google search revealed a Unix command = you already have which would do the
ttask in an easier way. Issue the command

tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' < file-with-binary-chars > clean-file

This command accepts a file as input and writes a second output file. It removes
all characters except ASCII characters with the given octal values. So it allows

octal 11 trab
octal 12 linefeed
octal 15 carriage rerurn
octal 40 rhrough octal 176
all the good keyboard characters

Richard Koch

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