[texshop] Synctex and component files

Alan C. Bowen bowen at ircps.org
Sat Oct 15 18:47:05 CEST 2022

Hi, Bruno—

I typeset the file using ConTeXt  ver: 2021.12.25 00:58 LMTX. Syncing failed in both directions.


> On Oct 15, 2022, at 12:25, Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at icloud.com> wrote:
>> On 15 Oct 2022, at 18:16, Alan C. Bowen <bowen at ircps.org> wrote:
>> • I am also using the latest ConteXt (ver.  2022.10.15 10:37 LMTX) and TeXShop ver. 5.03
> Alan,
> In case that's compatible with your input files, have you tried using an earlier ConTeXt version, see whether the outcome is different regarding SyncTeX?
> Bruno

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