[texshop] Trashing aux files in OneDrive

Youdin, Andrew - (youdin) youdin at arizona.edu
Mon Mar 7 09:56:06 CET 2022


Recently I lost the ability to trash aux files for files that are in a OneDrive folder (the Microsoft cloud service that my university provides).

I am currently using TexShop 4.69 on a M1 Pro running OS 12.2.1.  I noticed that a change was made for TexShop 4.69 allow trashing of aux files with Google Drive, so am hopefully that this feature could be restored for OneDrive.  Other notes:

- Attempting to trash aux files doesn’t cause any error, but nothing happens.
- When I pause syncing on OneDrive, this does NOT fix the problem.
- I used to be able to trash aux files in OneDrive folders, but I think they changed something in OneDrive.  TexShop now thinks the files are in a ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDriveFolder which is linked to/from the “standard” location of ~/OneDriveFolder
- I did check that the trashing of aux files still works in a normal folder on my machine.
- I can remove the aux files from the command line, so it’s probably not a permissions issue?

Thanks for any help. TexShop has been extremely useful to me for many years, and I am greatly appreciative.


Dr. Andrew N. Youdin
Associate Professor
Departments of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences
Steward Observatory, Office N418
University of Arizona

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