Software: beastie

Norman Gray gray at
Fri May 24 10:58:54 CEST 2024

Karl, hello.

On 23 May 2024, at 21:50, Karl Berry wrote:

> Hi Norman,
>     $ beastie extract-bib.scm -O crossref test.aux <citation_list><citation
>     $ beastie extract-bib.scm -O yaml test.aux
> Excellent. Thanks! I belatedly realized that I should have just asked
> about outputting Crossref <citation> info in the first place. Then
> there's no need for YAML :).

A second output format requires thought; options 3, 4, ... are thereafter Just A Matter Of Code!

> So the -O crossref is essentially extracting the fields from the
> selected bib records and mapping them onto the available crossref
> elements? That seems ideal! Thank you.

That's right.  This extract-bib.scm program is just a .bib-to-.bib filter (similar to many other programs in the past), but (now) with a couple of alternative ways of formatting the output file.

>     and it should be type-sensitive enough to detect when a
>     BibTeX 'title' is a crossref article_title or book_title,
> I don't see book_title in the crossref <citation> element?
> Am I missing it? It looks to me like their structured citations are
> mainly intended for articles. E.g., there is no publisher field.

Ooops, yes -- I should have said volume_title.  As you suggest, crossref doesn't appear to be intended as a general bibliography schema

> I'm thinking that for TUGboat what I should do is upload both the
> unstructured citation info for everything, as I'm doing now, as well as
> the structured citation.

This version of this script doesn't do any generation of a human-readable bibliography, partly in order to keep the example short.  But no, it wouldn't be too hard to add something simple there.

> One question: what happens with BibTeX entries that use the (bibtex)
> crossref field?  Are they resolved? (I hope/trust.)

They are indeed, largely transparently.  An earlier version of beastie removed the restriction on crossrefs being only forward-pointing, but a subsequent change of mind brought that back.

> Can you tell me when/where to get the code? Is the dev repo online?
> I only saw the releases on your page at a quick glance. --thanks, karl.

The repository is at <> (Mercurial).  I should probably have a second thought about how <> is laid out, to make key things more prominent.

> Anyway, I think we should take the further production details offline.

Good idea.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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