retractions in bibtex entries,

Thomas Schneider schneidt at
Mon Dec 12 03:22:39 CET 2022


> Thanks. Actually this is what I should try first but I checked the
> file and wget could not find the server ?!?!?!?.

I switched to curl since that's part of macOS.

> I have noticed
> several times lately that the pubmed links seem to be slow
> and go to the fetchpage handlers instead of using eutils but I
> don't usually check. WTH it would have DNS problems is beyond me-
> in the past the PMCID was not found on very recent articles
> so I assumed it may just be flakey at the NCBI.
> You link worked right away, no idea why mine are having DNS and https
> errors to their server. I am using lynx or wget.

They changed things recently for the eutils, but I have not noticed
any speed problem with NCBI for some years.


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  RNA Biology Laboratory
  Biological Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at

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