Reserved Font Names for OFL-licensed fonts

Boris Veytsman borisv at
Tue Aug 11 21:09:53 CEST 2020

BT> Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:02:45 -0400
BT> From: Bob Tennent <rdtennent at>

BT> I've now restored [pdf]latex support for all of these
BT> fonts. When necessary to comply with the Reserved Font
BT> Name provision of the license, the pfb fonts and any
BT> artificially-generated ttf or otf fonts have been re-named,
BT> but any document that uses only documented features of the
BT> packages should be successfully processed by [pdf]latex as
BT> before.

Bob, many thanks for your great work!

Good luck


	"We're running out of adjectives to describe our situation.  We
had crisis, then we went into chaos, and now what do we call this?" said
Nicaraguan economist Francisco Mayorga, who holds a doctorate from Yale.
		-- The Washington Post, February, 1988

The New Yorker's comment:
	At Harvard they'd call it a noun.

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