About tikz for free body diagrams

Darío darioslc at protonmail.com
Sun Mar 3 14:53:14 CET 2019

Hello! I used the tikz package to draw diagrams free body (dynamics and Newton's Law for exercises), the problem that I have is the next error when compile:
! Argument of \language at active@arg> has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.148     \draw[->]
                    (base)++(\arcr,0) arc (0:\iangle:\arcr);
my preambule is (to long...):

but!! when I compiled with only


it compile the graphics perfectly, this packages I charged in my preambule, but I can't understand why not compile.The example to free body diagrams took out it of:

The art to tikz is really complicated

Thanks a lot!
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