semilog axis on data plots

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Tue Jul 30 18:19:46 CEST 2019

Am 30.07.19 um 17:45 schrieb Djones9976 via texhax:
> I did, about 50 times over days.  How on earth did you get it to 
> work?   Might it have had something to do with the fact I am using an 
> iMac with OS 10 and TexShop editor.  And, it still didn't work for me.

No, it doesn't matter which operationg system and editor you use.

> But, I noticed that the code at the bottom of your message is slightly 
> different from mine.  So I tried your exact code and it now works.    
> I still don't know what happened, but thank you very much!

you had "linesize=2" which is wrong, it is "linewidth". The other 
problem was
only the x/yticksize and x/ysubticksize


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