[texhax] Installing MacTeX

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Thu Mar 15 19:28:52 CET 2018

Leo diMaio,

I wrote the instructions at http://www.tug.org/mactex/faq/3-4.html. This is the best
I can do. Maybe you could explain  which instructions you followed and where they went wrong.
Your message confuses me because it doesn't seem that you tried any of these steps.

The instructions say:

	1) Activate the Finder

	2) Find the "Go" menu of the Finder. The bottom item of this menu says "Connect to Server".
	Click this item.

	3) A dialog window will open. The top item of this window reads "Server Address:"
	Fill in this item with


	4) After filling in this item, push the button titled "Connect"

	5) In the resulting dialog, choose "Connect as Guest"

	6) After a short delay, a window will open containing a lot of folders, named by year. Each contains
	MacTeX for that year. Drag the desired folder to your desktop, or reach inside and drag the pieces you
	want to your desktop.

Did you follow these steps exactly? Where did they fail, or did they all work?

Dick Koch

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