[texhax] The PSTricks figures are not generated

Alexander Junejie Zeng meaz at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Tue Mar 4 17:31:38 CET 2014


I have come across a problem using PSTricks after upgrading the packages 
of MiKTeX by its update wizard. Before it, Perl installed, it worked 
well with "pdflatex --enable-write18" in TeXstudio or its counterpart in 
Sublime Text LaTeX-build file. Now, with what worked properly before, it 
presents massages "Package pst-pdf Warning: pspicture No. xx 
undefined.", and the "-pic.pdf" file is empty, so is in the main pdf 
file where the figures are supposed to appear! By the way, it is in the 
beamer class.

What is the reason of that and how can I get rid of it? Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards

Alexander Junjie Zeng

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