[texhax] BachoTeX 2009: the final invitation!

Jerzy Ludwichowski Jerzy.Ludwichowski at uni.torun.pl
Mon Apr 6 13:03:42 CEST 2009

           Dear GUST and BachoTeX Friends!

BachoTeX 2009 is mercilessly coming (http://gust.org.pl/bachotex/2009) :-)

We were able to negotiate an extension of the deadline to give the final 
numbers of the participants with the net effect to have the (well, not 
so) early-bird-registrations
date to become now April 13th, Easter Monday, until midnight.

 From the conference page the following links are available:
-- payments info (behind the "Fees" link),
-- the registration form,
-- the current list of presentations (there are some abstracts 
translations missing;    work is under way),
-- the schedule framework (behind "Schedule").

Please note the following interesting events:
-- typography counseling (typographers present at the conference will 
look at your    works and will give invaluable advice -- please use the 
-- the already traditional TeX Clinic 
-- the opportunity to present your small works or samples at poster 
session stands;
   time will be allocated to discuss them informally with other attendees,
-- BoF sessions on topics which surely will emerge during the conference,
-- a series of panel discussions:
   * TeX: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (i.e., SWOT 
   * TeX: at a turning point, or at the crossroads?,
   * TeX distributions,
-- the 2009 TeX Pearls session (http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/pearls),
-- and, of course, singing and having some merry time at the bonfires or 
inside the huts.

I also remind GUST members of the 2009 GUST Annual General meeting 
(April 30th, Thursday, http://www.gust.org.pl/bachotex/2009/agm.html).

Please come, bring your families with you, and enjoy the perhaps last 
chance to experience BachoTeX at Bachotek, as the Nicolas Copernicus 
University seems to be trying to sell the place, as today's (April 6th, 
2009) local papers have it in their headlines :-(

Waiting for you!

Jerzy Ludwichowski
(on behalf of the Organizing Committee)

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