[texhax] [pdftex] DVI to HTML mechanism demo

Graham Toal gtoal at gtoal.com
Sun Oct 28 13:15:47 CET 2007

On 10/28/07, Philip TAYLOR <Philip-and-LeKhanh at royal-tunbridge-wells.org> wrote:
> > font I'm currently using.  When I increase font size, strings
> > overlap.
> Well spotted : I should have seen that myself.
> Graham, how would your proposed system handle
> user-agent font-resizing ?

I don't know, I was hoping that someone with more HTML experience than
me would know some tricks for making pages scalable, maybe with some
client-side javascript to alter the absolute positions in the DOM?  As
I said, I was offering a proof of concept, not a complete
implementation.  So I guess you're saying that scaling a page is not a
supported feature of HTML yet? Oh well, at least we can now position
things absolutely.  Maybe in another 10 years...  Baby steps...

I guess if it can't be done browser-side it would have to be done at
the server.  Can the browser be made to tell the server what
magnification the user has selected? (maybe with some AJAX hack)  From
the viewpoint of a DVI previewer that should just be like applying a

Tell you what, we're digressing into HTML issues here and away from
TeX, probably best to wind up this thread on TeXhax before we stray
too far off topic.  Feel free to follow up by direct email.

It was good to hear from you all again.  Looks like all the usual
suspects are still in the frame.


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