[texhax] eurotex 2006 cfp
Karl Berry
karl at freefriends.org
Mon Apr 24 18:24:55 CEST 2006
A call for papers and participation at EuroTeX 2006 in Hungary this
summer. Getting close.
Also, if you feel like heading off to New Jersey this summer :),
papers&participation are also most welcome for Practical TeX 2006:
While I'm at it, TUG 2006 will be in Morocco in November, but we hope to
produce the proceedings before the conference, so the deadline for full
papers is June 30, not too far away. Please consider it.
Call for Papers and Participation for
EuroTeX 2006, A Hungarian TeX Rhapsody
for the 16th EuroTeX Conference
EuroTeX 2006
July 5--8, 2006, Debrecen (Hungary)
The 16th EuroTeX meeting, ``A Hungarian TeX Rhapsody'',
will be held in Debrecen, between July 5 and 8, 2006.
MaTeX (Hungarian TeX User Group) together with the
Faculty of Computer Science for University of Debrecen
organize the conference, and now announce the call for papers.
This will be the first international TeX conference held in Hungary.
For more information about EuroTeX 2006, please, visit the conference
web site at:
Topics include but are not limited to:
* TeX and its so many friends, automated typesetting;
* text processing (morphological/syntactical/lexical
analysis etc.);
* typography (digital or not);
* font design and technologies;
* publishing (electronic or not);
* rediscovery of the European and other book tradition.
If you have something that fits the bill, please take part and join us.
If you know somebody's work that does, please let us know,
we will contact the person. We await your contributions even if
you are unable to attend the conference. In such a case,
feel free to choose another person (a participant)
to deliver your presentation or introduce your poster to the public.
Bernd Raichle:
Introduction into BibTeX Style File Programming
This tutorial will enable BibTeX style file programmers and normal
BibTeXusers to get accustomed to the structure of a .bst file
allowing them to make small changes to an existing BibTeX style file.
To achieve this, the tutorial will start with a minimal .bst file
showing the basic blocks.
This minimal style file will be extended step by step introducing
more and more .bst primitive functions.
Yannis Haralambous:
New advances in Omega
(Abstract is coming soon.)
Gábor Bella, Yannis Haralambous:
Open Belly Surgery in Omega v2
(Abstract is coming soon.)
Thierry Bouche:
A pdflatex-based automated journal production system
The talk deals with the recent development of a production system
for mathematical serials with both an electronic and paper version.
The challenges were many:
(i) no house style layout should be imposed, as the journals
come from different publishing houses and may have
very different typographical options;
(ii) produce screen-optimised and printer-friendly output at once;
(iii) avoid any duplication of information so that every aspect of
the publications are always in sync (web site metadata,
table of contents), thus
(iv) generate on the fly article's page numbers, XML metadata at
the published volume level from one master LaTeX source file tree.
Katalin Fried:
The colourful sides of TeX
The lecture deals with some extraordinary facilities of TeX
concerning graphics: gives tips and trics how to draw, embed,
color and place them into an absolute position.
In addition, handling graphics (drawings, pictures, diagrams, etc.)
in source texts and outputs, and making slide shows are discussed.
Hans Hagen:
How to deal with tex in unfriendly situations
How to deal with TeX in unfriendly situations
(multiple trees, potentially conflicting environments,
strictly regulated web-services): tools and methods.
Taco Hoekwater, Hans Hagen:
The making of a (TeX) font
The font itself is a kind of surprise and the talk shows
how it evolved, and finally was made into a font usable for TeX.
Taco Hoekwater:
On the new release of Metapost
This talks delas with the new features and bugfixes
of the new release of Metapost.
Yannis Haralambous:
New Hyphenation Strategies in Omega v2
(Abstract is coming soon.)
Jean-Michel Hufflen:
MlBibTeX Meets ConTeXt
MlBibTeX is a references generator with multilingual features,
that suitable for plain TeX and LaTeX, too.
Adapting styles to ConTeXt, however, raised new problems because
the languages and are managed in different way in TeX and ConTeXt.
The talk explains how patterns and preamble analysers allows us
to solve such problems.
Siep Kroonenberg:
Font installation the shallow way
For one-off projects, you can cut corners with font installation
and end up with a more manageable set of files and a cleaner TeX
installation. This article shows how and why.
Siep Kroonenberg:
Managing a network TeX installation under Windows
This paper is about installing and conjoining MikTeX and TeXnicCenter:
problems and solutions.
Ibrahim Ragab Mohamed, Ahmed Zareef Ameen, Ahmed Mahmoud Amin,
Akram Adel Mojahed, Kareem Osama Sharawi, Hisham Abdul Hameed Shihab,
Hossam A. H. Fahmy:
Typesetting the Qur'an and its specific challenges to the TeX family
AlQalam, a new system made by the authors, fulfils the specific
requirements of Arabic script. In this paper the achievements
of the work are shown:
the special requirements for the typesetting of the Holy Qur'an,
the missing rules implementation, fonts, and input encoding system.
The problems concerning how to use the system with Omega and ArabTeX,
and their solutions by adding more functionalities to ArabTeX are discussed.
This study is useful for those who intend to work on Arabic script
and support the Qur'an.
It is also useful for those developing Omega and ArabTeX
on what might be the needed new features.
Karel Píaka:
Font verification and comparison in examples
The contribution demonstrates several techniques of verification and
comparison fonts widely used with TeX (METAFONT fonts and outline fonts
in the PostScript Type 1 and OpenType formats).
The aim of generating various proofsheet files in PDF or PS with nodes
and control points, control vectors and hinting zones for the subsequent
visual scanning of graphic glyph representation, calculations of
differences between metric data, between contour curves for different
versions or releases, etc., is to accomplish the auditing process to
be more quick and efficient. Numerous tools are used, and the results
of verification of several fonts, comparison for compatibility and
consistency and the information about differences and bugs
are reported.
Péter Szabó:
Managing a maths exercise database with LaTeX
The talk deals with the matbook project that gives a tool for teachers
for creating schoolbooks on their own selecting math exercises,
answers and teachers' instructions from a math database created
for secondary school students. The data are organized into TeX source
files, that LaTeX reads then generates the book using XML
as intermediate format.
CVS is used for data replication and concurrent co-authoring.
The simple software architecture of the matbook project and the
decisions are made concerning the design of the software and workflow
are discussed. Making comparison between matbook and other approaches
(e.g. big content management systems and TeX-enabled wikis) are
also presented.
Planned Talks
pdfTeX team: What's new in pdfTeX (talk about 1.30 and 1.40)
pdfTeX team: Integrating Lua into TeX
pdfTeX team: Opening up the Type (talk on Unicode/OpenType plans)
pdfTeX team: Making better PDF (talk on Q&A + PDF improvements)
The place of the conference is Debrecen. Debrecen is a town of
universities known as the Calvinist Rome. It is close to the biggest
Hungarian National Park, Hortobágy, and a famous spa in
If you have never been to Debrecen, please visit our site
(http://www.matexhu.org) for getting some taste of this region.
There will be also free time to give you the opportunity to taste the
many types of Hungarian wines, and get to know the tasty special
Hungarian dishes. Hungary is a sunny country during summer, an ideal
place for making excursions.
There are several cultural programs in both Debrecen and Budapest,
including jazz and classical music festivals, exhibitions and
performances. We especially invite you to bring your musical
instruments to create our own festival!
April 30, 2006 -- Deadline for abstracts of presentations;
June 1, 2006 -- Deadline for preprints of papers, for distribution
at the conference.
July 5--8, 2006 -- Conference
July 25, 2006 -- Deadline for final versions of papers;
the proceedings will be published as
an issue of TUGboat.
We may also be able to accept later submissions, but we might be unable
to publish them in the conference materials.
Please submit
abstracts to eurotex2006 at matexhu.org
papers to eurotex2006_papers at matexhu.org.
For more information about EuroTeX 2006, please visit:
or send an e-mail to
eurotex2006 at matexhu.org
For TeX user group members:
Student 120 euros
Early Registration 230 euros
Later registration 270 euros
For non-members:
Student 150 euros
Early Registration 270 euros
Later registration 320 euros
Optional program:
Excursion + site seeing
(separate from reg. fee) 30 euros
For choosing a types of room, please,
visit of the web pages of the conference.
On the registration page the prices of rooms are listed.
Hope to see you at the conference!
Gyöngyi Bujdosó
on behalf of the Organizing Committee
of EuroTeX 2006
Gyöngyi Bujdosó
MaTeX -- The Hungarian TeX Users Group
eurotex2006 at matexhu.org
H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.B. 12, Hungary
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