[texhax] two minipages side-by-side in beamer

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Wed Nov 2 23:00:27 CET 2005

At 08:01 02.11.05, Dieter Meinert wrote:
>  You make each minipage the width of then complete page, thus you get a
>  linebreak after the first one.
>  Try \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} (personally I usually take
>  {0.49\textwidth to allow for a word separation between the minipages)

This is one part of the story. The other is:
When you leave a blank line between the two minipage
environments, they go into two subsequent paragraphs
-- this is how TeX works, has nothing to do with beamer.
Without that blank line, you could get a usual horizontal
blank space glue between them -- too little. To get more,
\end{minipage}\qquad or \end{minipage}\hskip anything
or \end{minipage}\hfil . The last proposal addresses
the horizontal position of the whole of it; it might be in
a {center} environment. -- Yet this contribution of mine
rather addresses diagnosing the failure; Steven Schwartz'
contribution seems to me to be most appropriate.

   Uwe Lueck.

>|=> -----Original Message-----
>|=> From: texhax-bounces at tug.org
>|=> Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2005 23:06
>|=> To: TEXHAX
>|=> Subject: [texhax] two minipages side-by-side in beamer
>|=> I want to make two
>|=> itemized
>|=> lists, side-by-side, on a single slide.
>|=> Here is my preamble:
>|=> \documentclass{beamer}
>|=> \usetheme{PaloAlto}
>|=> \usepackage{graphicx}
>|=> \begin{document}
>|=> I tried using \begin{minipage} like this:
>|=> \frame
>|=> {
>|=> \frametitle{Interview}
>|=> \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
>|=>   \begin{itemize}
>|=>     \item current symptoms
>|=>     \item past medical history
>|=>     \item family history
>|=>     \item social history
>|=>     \item review of systems
>|=> \end{itemize}
>|=> \end{minipage}
>|=> \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
>|=> \begin{itemize}
>|=>     \item detect hypertension
>|=>     \item recognize emergency
>|=>     \item recognize reversible causes
>|=>     \item find chronic target organ damage
>|=>     \item discover co-morbid conditions
>|=>     \item plan therapy
>|=> \end{itemize}
>|=> \end{minipage}
>|=> }
>|=> But I just got one 11-item bulleted list.

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