[texdvd] texdvd Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Mar 26 02:04:29 CET 2024

Hi Terry (and all),

    ... drive supports BOTH read + write for DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL.

Good to hear it.

    My issue in the past must have been with "DoubleLayer", 

All I know about "dual layer" vs. "double layer" is what I read on
wikipedia. I guess they are different approaches: dual layer uses only
one side of the physical disc for both layers, while double layer uses
both sides of the disc. I think "dual layer" is pervasive for data
recording, at least nowadays.

    would take 13-21 hours on public WiFi, an impossible time requirement.

Indeed. I myself usually rsync the remote repository rather than running
install-tl directly over the net, because it's soooo painfully slow.
Even with decent Internet. We haven't been able to find a good way to
make the install faster, i.e., download in bigger chunks :(.

    In any case, it would be nice if people had both options ... ISO
    and/or DVD. 

They will. The TeX Live ISO is available now:

We can easily make an .iso for MacTeX if there is a request.

Klaus and Manfred are working on the images for miktex and ctan.

    Again, I am still willing to burn and mail DVDs 

Thank you!

    if there is a small fee to cover things ... 

Yes, to be expected.

    I don't have the old email around 

For the record, the list archives are here:

    but I think I figured $2-3 USD?


Our hope/expectation is that people wanting the DVD will be able to
easily send a payment to you by whatever means is easiest -- paypal,
bank transfer, etc. We can see how it works out.

I will send more mail soon, hopefully tomorrow, about the request form
and the backend handling, which are both just about ready.


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