[texdvd] materials for tex dvd

Jérémy Just jeremy at jejust.fr
Mon Sep 25 22:08:05 CEST 2023

    Hello Karl and others,

Le Sat, 23 Sep 2023 15:03:41 -0600,
Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> a écrit :

> 2) reimbursement. Some burners may need reimbursement for postage and
> materials, which is perfectly reasonable. I think the best option is
> for the requestor to reimburse the burner directly, via
> paypal/bank transfer/check/whatever is easiest in their locale.
>  [...]
> I think it would be possible for TUG and DANTE to reimburse the
> burners in this case?

  I feel the answer will depend on the number of DVDs needed.

  I volunteered to burn DVDs (I have to check that my DVD burner still
works, BTW). If I have to prepare 3 copies in 2024 and ship them to
France, I will probably not ask any reimbursement, neither from the
requestors nor from TUG/DANTE.

  If the number starts to grow, and I have to ship them abroad, I'm of
course still OK to burn them, but I will ask to be reimbursed. Ideally,
I would prefer to get the money from TUG or DANTE (for example on a
yearly basis).

> 1) label/packaging. My theory here is that we can update the PDF, and
> users (or volunteer burners) can view/download/print as desired. It
> would not be sensible for the groups to print and send out individual
> mailers to the burners, so far as I can see.

  Functionality first: a DVD properly wrapped for shipment will do the
job, even without a nice and colorful sleeve.
  I agree with you: a mass-production of sleeves would have no sense.

  Could we choose to design a sticker, instead of a complete sleeve?
That would be easier to print, either by the burner or the user, and
still would allow the TeX-collection DVD sleeves to look the same all
around the world.
(I'm speaking of a sticker for the sleeve or case, not for the DVD


Jérémy JUST  <jeremy at jejust.fr>

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