[tex4ht] [bug #623] Images inverted with dark mode by default html5 css

Oliver Freyermuth puszcza-hackers at gnu.org.ua
Tue Apr 9 12:32:47 CEST 2024

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #623 (project tex4ht):

Dear Michal,

aaah, I see. In fact, my problems were seen with TikZpictures, i.e. I'm the
same guy from here:

The black pgfornaments became invisible with a dark theme for me by default,
which confused me at first. I then tried with a colourful TikZ picture and saw
the colours became inverted, i.e. I used:

    \tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={color=black,fill=yellow, opacity=0.7,
line width=0.5pt}};

within that example and the ornaments came up with a blue fill colour. But you
are fully correct, it does not happen to \includegraphics. 

The CSS config you added works perfectly fine for me in the case of black TikZ
images, it makes them visible nicely and the body and text are well adapted to
the dark theme. So I think this is a large improvement to the default :-). 


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