tlmgr package dependencies

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at
Sat Apr 23 12:08:51 CEST 2022

Hi all,

yes, it would work in an ideal world where all package authors would
prepare such a file but I am aware that all authors will not do it.
Another proble is that there is not only TeX Live but also MiKTeX and
authors probably will not be happy to prepare two dependency files. In
fact, even Linux is not that ideal. Maybe it is already fixed but
VirtualBox does not work out of the box in Fedora because an important
dependency is missing, you must know what to install manually to make
it work. A few days ago I uploaded a bug fix of my packages and CTAN
does not say how to include an information on dependencies. I list
dependencies in the manual and will mention in the announcement if it

Zdeněk Wagner

so 23. 4. 2022 v 11:02 odesílatel Maximilian Nöthe
<maximilian.noethe at> napsal:
> Hi all,
> Seeing issues like these pop up so often and the manual process involved
> for fixing them,
> wouldn't there an easy, intermediate solution for improving the
> situation that's not going "full package management"?
> I am thinking something simple like packages could include a simple
> "required_texlive_packages.txt"* for packages that
> could be included in the source distribution with one package per line?
> Sure, it would take some time until a
> large number of packages pick this up, but package maintainers normally
> know better what they depend on and under which circumstances
> than TeX-Live maintainers, right?
> Cheers
> Max
> * more advanced options would be adding files along the lines of a
> package.json or pyproject.toml, but that would require
> a more thorough design process.
> On 21.04.22 23:03, Karl Berry wrote:
> > Hi Nicola,
> >
> >      datetime2 always loads: tracklang, etoolbox and xkeyval.
> >
> > Added those dependencies for tonight's TL update. --best, karl.
> --
> Dr.
> Maximilian Nöthe
> PostDoc Astroteilchenphysik
> Technische Universität Dortmund
> Fakultät Physik / Astroteilchenphysik
> Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
> 44227 Dortmund
> Tel.: +49 231 755 8895
> maximilian.noethe at

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