Circular dependency between ctex and xecjk

Karl Berry karl at
Sun Apr 3 22:39:41 CEST 2022

Hi Vincenzo,

    I noticed a circular dependency in the current TeX Live: ctex depends on
    xecjk, and xecjk depends on ctex. Is this normal?

It is intentional, anyway.  I added the (indeed, known to be circular)
dependency in January, in response to:
No one else has reported any resulting problems. So I hope you can fix
or work around it somehow. I doubt it will cause any great consternation
if you simply drop one or the other dependency for the time being.

In my answer, I noted that our tlmgr script works ok with it.
I also surmised that there were already other circular deps,
but given your note, I guess not, and this was the first. --best, karl.

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