compliation failure of minimal latex documents

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at
Tue Feb 4 16:17:57 CET 2020


> Recently there's been an alarming lack of attention paid to which
> collection things wind up in.  I'm thinking specifically of the recent
> oberdiek debacle:

It achieved the main aims of making the packages maintainable.
Would you prefer they all just became unmaintained?

anything split from oberdiek should have gone in the
> same collection that oberdiek was in.  That's because some stuff in
> collection-latex depends on oberdiek.  But some of it wound up elsewhere,
> including collection-latexextra(!!!).  (That should really be fixed, BTW.)
Perhaps some things could have been done differently but  putting all the
split out packages in the same core as the original oberdiek shouldn't be
an aim.

Heiko's collection included well over a hundred packages ranging from
really useful, to less generally useful to (by now) not working at all.

Having them all in one oberdiek bundle forced the whole collection on
essentially everyone (apart from being a nightmare to maintain)

So splitting them out and letting them be classified separately was

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