[tex-live] [pretest] xetex cannot handle pstricks

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Fri Jun 3 09:32:49 CEST 2011

Dear Vladimir Lomov and Dohyun Kim,

>>> It turns out that including eps files, say \includegraphics{golfer.eps},
>>> fails as well upon using TL11's xelatex.  So this issue seems to be
>>> related to new xdvipdfmx binary, not pstricks.  AFAIK pstricks has not
>>> been changed from that of TL10.

It looks like I introduced the bug in xdvipdfmx,
and probalby also in dvipdfmx.
Very sorry for my mistake. I'm investigating the problem.
But I'm not on Unix, so I asked Peter to fix the bug.
The bug must be in the new function exec_spawn()
in dpxfile.c.

Best regards,

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