[tex-live] [pretest] xetex cannot handle pstricks

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 08:38:06 CEST 2011

** Reinhard Kotucha [2011-06-03 08:19:11 +0200]:

> On 2011-06-03 at 12:31:08 +0900, Dohyun Kim wrote:

>> It turns out that including eps files, say \includegraphics{golfer.eps},
>> fails as well upon using TL11's xelatex.  So this issue seems to be
>> related to new xdvipdfmx binary, not pstricks.  AFAIK pstricks has not
>> been changed from that of TL10.

I tried to compile document to XDV format by xelatex (TL10 and TL11),
both work fine, but xdvipdfmx from TL11 doesn't work on either XDV.

> It seems that the function which generates random strings is using
> slashes (directory separators).  These are not allowed in file names:

>> -sOutputFile='/var/folders/yy/yy1ikAmvHwyDgTq8YbvHJk+++TI/-Tmp-//dvipdfmx.P9ozl8fZ'

IMO, no it doesn't. On my system the -sOutputFile part is ok (in sense:
it uses single '/'), besides AFAIU double slashes won't hurt (many times
use '//' somewhere in path for 'coreutils' programs).

Is there a way to debug xdvipdfmx run on XDV file? I want to save
intermediate files (xdvipdfmx from TL11 keeps files in /tmp but
xdvipdfmx from TL10 runs fine and delete all intermediate files in

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

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