[tex-live] cjkutils

Gerben Wierda Sherlock@rna.nl
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 11:22:54 +0100

I updated, reconfigured, compiled and installed. The following now 
fails (and was ok previously in web2c 7.4.1):

fmtutil: attempting to create localized format using pool=pdftex-pl and 
running `pdftex -ini  -translate-file=il2-pl -jobname=pdfmex-pl 
-progname=pdfmex-pl pdfmex.ini' ...
! I can't read pdftex.pool; bad path?

This is also true for all the other localized formats. The normal 
formats are generated OK.


On Tuesday, Dec 24, 2002, at 01:20 Europe/Amsterdam, Thomas Esser wrote:

> I just have submitted change #2616 which changes the configure/make
> stuff for cjkutils. Now, cjkutils are no longer build by "make extras".
> Instead, these utils are build by the normal "./configure; make;
> make install".
> This change now allows us to compile all of TeX Live outside the source
> directory (assuming that we use a make utility with a proper vpath
> implementation such as GNU make). The "extras" target no longer builds
> anything now (it just runs "strip").
> I hope that I didn't break the functionality of the cjkutils (I have
> no idea how to use/test them). All I have checked is that everything
> compiles/installs fine on my system.
> Thomas
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