[tex-k] tex.ch line number updating?

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Sat Jun 1 19:54:40 CEST 2024

I could imagine that TIE or CTIE might be good starting points for this 
task, as they cope with multiple input change files at once. One would 
have to produce the requested output as soon as a @x... at y junk from any 
of the change files matches the WEB master file. (Unfortunately, both 
programs strip all text outside '@x.. at y..@z' blocks, including any info 
meticulously added in the change files by hand.)

The part and section numbers are detected/defined at the WEB level 
(either by TANGLE or WEAVE; hopefully consistently).  The part numbers 
(e.g., 22) are hardcoded in TEX.WEB for each starred section, but the 
section numbers (e.g., 306) are continuously increased with each starred 
and unstarred section.

I don't recall if any of these programs actually deals with line numbers 
for Pascal-WEB sources. (At least CWEB's CTANGLE tries to create correct 
'#line' directives in the C output.)

Happy hacking!

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