[tex-k] tex.ch line number updating?

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Jun 1 17:55:40 CEST 2024

tex.ch (and, to a lesser extent, mf.ch and others) has line numbers for
each hunk, for instance:
@x [22.306] l.6855 - i18n fix
  begin print_nl("Runaway ");

This is useful. However, they have mostly not been kept updated with the
new versions of tex.web. In this case, line 6855 of tex.web is currently
in a later module's descriptive text, and the correct line number is

So ... I wonder if anyone would be interested in writing a little script
to read tex.web and tex.ch and write a new tex.ch to stdout with updated
line numbers (and no other changes). If it works for mf.ch or others, so
much the better, but it's really tex.ch that matters. (mf.ch is simple
compared to the myriad of tex change files we have to keep track of for
the different engines.)

Anyone? Let me know. --thanks, karl.

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