[tex-k] [WEB] Header line or not in KNUTHware sources

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Tue May 19 19:56:00 CEST 2020


I have just noticed that all but a handful of the 19 WEB sources in
~/texk/web2c/ use the line

    \def\titlepage{F} % include headline on the contents page

in their '\def\topofcontents{...}'.  I suspect that this an outdated
convention, and should be replaced by '\titlefalse' to have the desired
effect in connection with modern 'webmac.tex'.

The five exceptions are mf.web, patgen.web, tangle.web, tex.web, and
weave.web.  Of these, tangle.web and weave.web expressly say
'\titlefalse', and the remaining three seem to be content with the
default '\titletrue'.


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