[tex-hyphen] frisian hyphenation patterns

Esger Renkema tex at elrenkema.nl
Tue May 17 11:02:38 CEST 2022

Dear list,

I have prepared a set of hyphenation patterns for the (west-of-the-lauwer) 
frisian language [1], language code ‘fy’, current spelling regulations [2]. For 
users of various word processors, hyphenation for this language has been made 
available some years ago by the Fryske Akademie [3]; my patterns, however, are 
newly generated from what I suspect is a better-quality word list [4].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Frisian_language
[2] https://lokaleregelgeving.overheid.nl/CVDR366309
[3] https://frysker.nl/downloads
[4] https://gitlab.com/renkema/frysk

Frisian hyphenation has some peculiarities:

- As in dutch, the trema (diaeresis) disappears after a break (koäla ⇒ ko-ala).
- The stroke of the ‘ú’ can disappear (revolúsje ⇒ revolu-sje).
- The double ‘aa’ (and ‘oo’ in theory) can become single (bagaazje ⇒ baga-zje).
- The apostrophe may be a breakpoint in some cases (sms’en ⇒ sms-en).

In order not to produce awkward breaks, though it may appear counterintuïtive, 
these patterns will disable hyphenation at any of the above points. For use 
with the LuaTeX engine, however, I have included an exception list that 
re-enables the correct hyphenation for most common cases. Since only LuaTeX 
supports discretionary syntax within \hyphenation{}, these exceptions cannot be 
used by the other engines.

The \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin should both be set to 2. Furthermore, 
for the correct hyphenation of words containing an apostrophe, the \lccode of 
the apostrophe must be set (\lccode`\’=`\’ and possibly \lccode`\'=`\').

I have attached the patterns, the exceptions and a readme. If you need anything 
else for including it in hyph-utf8, please do let me know.

Warm regards,
Esger Renkema

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