[tex-hyphen] Hyphenation in Albanian

Joan Jani j.jani at fimif.edu.al
Mon Jun 15 22:51:33 CEST 2020

> I would like to thank Claudio, Mojca and Arthur for their replies.
> I apologies but I had been not subscribed  at the mailing list so I 
> did not receive Claudio's email yesterday.
> Now everything is ok and for sure I will continue to work in this 
> issue for the coming days.
> My to-do list for coming days will be:
>     1.  Find a detailed grammatically theory of hyphenation in 
> Albania. Since I am not a linguist, I have to ask help from a friend 
> of mine, who is an expert in this filed.
>     2. Translate the rules in english and put the document at public 
> domain using github.
>     3. Read the documentation wich Claudio, Mojca and Arthur recomend.
>     4. Create some patterns and test  if are working correctly.
> I hope that this would be the begging of adding something that later
> My personal email is igiann at hotmail.com.
> I would like to thank you all again for your warm welcoming.
> Kind regards.
> Joan Jani
> On 15/6/20 11:05 π.μ., Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Off-list.
>> Claudio Beccari already wrote a good answer.
>> We don't really have a team actively working on creating new patterns
>> for new languages, but there are a bunch of experts (Claudio being
>> among them). We are mostly collecting existing patterns and making
>> sure that they stay in consistent shape. So by far the best way to get
>> the patterns working would be to try to create them yourself, or find
>> someone to help you. This may include people on the list, but you need
>> to provide some faithful sources, grammar rules, dictionaries etc.
>> There are two orthogonal ways to achieve the goal:
>> - assemble a list of hyphenated words from a dictionary and run patgen
>> (or one of its rewrites, we can help you with that)
>> - come up with a set of clear rules for hyphenation (like: always
>> hyphenate after letter 'a', never hyphenate between these letter
>> pairs, ...) and write hyphenation patterns manually
>> I would suggest you to read
>>      https://tug.org/docs/liang/liang-thesis.pdf
>> Mojca
>> PS: Please don't expect an answer to a private mail, I've been
>> struggling recently to find time to answer emails. But you can
>> continue the discussion on the list, you just need to provide more
>> information, try to understand how hyphenation patterns work (read the
>> above or maybe find some BachoTeX talks from Arthur Reutenauer).
>> On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 at 19:22, Joan Jani<j.jani at fimif.edu.al>  wrote:
>>> Hello to all,
>>> I am a latex user for more than 15 years (I wrote my first lab 
>>> report in latex back in 2004).
>>> Since there is no hyphenation patterns for Albanian i get always the 
>>> message bellow:
>>> -- No hyphenation patterns were preloaded for (babel) the language 
>>> 'Albanian' into the format.
>>> I want to participate in your group helping to create this 
>>> hyphenation pattern.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Joan Jani

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