[tex-hyphen] Problems with hyph-la-x=classic.tex
Hironobu Yamashita
h.y.acetaminophen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 23:48:57 CET 2020
First, please keep cc to the list.
And, I guess, the problem (which might be specific to you) lies in
your incomplete installation of hyph-la-... files.
You have your own _local_ file
which is not officially distributed in TeX Live, right?
Then, I guess you should also have your own _local_ file
which is not officially distributed in TeX Live.
I just got a suggestion from Google that "hyph-la-x-classic.ec.tex"
can be obtained from
Just now I noticed that in the current TeX Live,
both "hyph-la-x-liturgic.tex" and "hyph-la-x-classic.tex" are available under
but only "hyph-la-x-liturgic.ec.tex" is available under
which seems strange to me. Sorry I'm not at home right now and
I could not reproduce the error reported by Claudio last night.
2020-02-14 (Fri.) 6:22 (GMT+09:00) Claudio Beccari <claudio.beccari at gmail.com>:
> The official distribution has the following files
> /usr/local/texlive/2019/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ptex/hyph-la-x-liturgic.ec.tex
> but does not contain any
> /usr/local/texlive/2019/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ptex/hyph-la-x-classic.ec.tex
> In the texmf-local subtree I have:
> /usr/local/texlive/temf-local/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ptex/
> hyph-la-x-liturgic.ec.tex
> but I have no classic either.
> Therefore if now the settings for creations of the ptex formats require
> the presence of hyph-la-x-classic.ec.tex, this file is non existent in
> any directory of the general trees, nor the local tree.
> I thank you very much for assuring that the ptex engine requires the
> variant with the .ec.tex complete extension, because I should have known
> it, but I had completely forgotten. But this does not explain why the
> official installation requires the ...classic.ec.tex while this file in
> non missing from the official distribution.
> I would point out that I update my installation on a weekly basis, and
> my TeXLive (MacTeX) installation was last updated on February 12, 2020.
> I admit I have no problems with this missing pattern file; since I never
> need to use the ptex formats, But I remain sort of puzzled when I
> receive the message "Update Failed" when I run TexLive Utility.app, the
> TeXLive special Mac styled interface to tlmgr.
> Thanks for your attention
> Claudio
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