[tex-hyphen] should bahasa be a synonym for Indonesian?

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Fri Nov 29 09:26:49 CET 2013

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Arthur Reutenauer
<arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org> wrote:
>   Taking Waluyo off the discussion, as it does not seem necessary to
> involve him in this issue that needs to be addressed by the developers.
>> To Arthur and Mojca regarding "why do I expect bahasa to work at all"
>> I expected this to work because it works with Babel and because when I
>> select "Indonesian" as a language in LyX, "bahasa" is entered in the
>> underlying LaTeX. From what I understand here, this is a bug that
>> should be fixed.
>   Yes, I would consider this a bug too.  I would recommend to use the
> name of the language definition file in the LaTeX source output by LyX;
> in this case, "bahasai".

This will be fixed in LyX 2.2. We will not fix it for LyX 2.1 because
we just released our final beta and have concerns of breaking code
such as

It seems that LyX needs to also change "magyar" to "hungarian". It
appears that "magyar" was considered as a global synonym but that
would have loaded the largest available patterns twice in eTeX:
Also related:

Thanks for the comments,


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