[tex-hyphen] should bahasa be a synonym for Indonesian?

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 08:42:50 CET 2013

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:59 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> Compiling the attached document gives the following error on TeX Live 2013:
> luatex-hyphen: no entry in language.dat.lua for this language: bahasa
> After changing the language to "indonesian", it compiles fine.
> Should bahasa be a synonym for indonesian?
> This thread seems relevant:
> http://tug.org/mailman/htdig/tex-hyphen/2011-January/000732.html


I tried to collect information through different websites now. We have
a slightly related situation with "Norwegian" where "Norwegian" itself
is not a language, but a common word for two languages, Nynorsk and
Bokmål. Nowadays "norwegian" is a synonym for "bokmal", but for purely
historical/compatibility reasons, other than the fact that the
patterns actually cover both languages.

Now, I understand there are plenty different languages spoken there,
but the local name of the official language is "Bahasa Indonesia". The
problem is that according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahasa:

>>>> Bahasa, Bhasa, Basa, or Phasa is the word for "language" in many Asian languages, which derives from the Sanskrit word भाषा bhāṣā "spoken language". In many modern languages in South Asia and Southeast Asia which have been influenced by Sanskrit or Pali, bahasa and cognate words are now used to mean "language" in general.

It may refer to: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Sūg, Bahasa
Betawi, Bahasa Ciacia, Myanma bhasa, Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia, Bahasa
Malaysia Kod Tangan Bahasa, Bahasa gaul / Bahasa prokem ... (and a few
others where it's written slightly different like Basa Sunda). <<<<

Now, unless the patterns are valid for all the listed languages, I
find it hard to justify making "bahasa" a synonym for the official
Indonesian language only.

But lacking any local first-hand knowledge about the language, you may
argue/explain why such a change would be important and why it wouldn't
be discriminatory towards other Asian langugage to make "bahasa" a
synonym for "Bahasa Indonesia" only.


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