[tex-hyphen] tl2011-pretest: loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex still not activated by default?

Nikola Lečić nikola.lecic at anthesphoria.net
Fri Jun 3 15:12:31 CEST 2011

Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com> wrote
  in <BANLkTinvULYDdH+ahEwTk5m0D8yoev+y_w at mail.gmail.com>
  on Fri, 3 Jun 2011 13:44:23 +0200:

> 2011/6/3 Nikola Lečić wrote:
> What about my plain tex example?

It works, of course.

> If my example in plain XeTeX works fine (it does for me) then
> hyphenation works fine.
> Please note that I didn't upload the updated "load-both-scripts"
> patterns to CTAN yet since we have some pending not-finalized changes
> in repository that I want to resolve. If those won't be resolved soon
> enough, I will revert the pending changes and submit a new package
> without them.


> On top of that we need to figure out what exactly to do with LuaTeX. I
> would like to solve both XeTeX and LuaTeX issues at the same time.
> The example that you sent in XeLaTeX me doesn't work for me either
> with the current version, but I have no idea why not. I cannot
> understand Polyglossia code to well.

Well, obviously because polyglossia doesn't take 'serbianc' into
account. Should it?

> One thing that you can do is to fetch files from
>     http://tug.org/svn/texhyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/
> (actually all you need is a modified version of loadhyph-sr-latn.tex,
> nothing else should be relevant for you) and test if that works. I
> will do that later. If that doesn't work, one has to modify
> Polyglossia.

As I have already said, I have a solution that I've been using for many
years: putting "serbian loadhyph-sr-latn.tex loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex" in
language.dat and rebuilding xelatex format. All you have to do (if you
want to make life of Serbian users easier) is to achieve it in some more
acceptable way.

As for LuaLaTeX, I'm not competent to say anything about it, but since
it's Unicode-aware and since Cyrillic and Latin patterns are disjunct
for it as they are for XeLaTeX, they should probably be loaded together.

Nikola Lečić = Никола Лечић
fingerprint : FEF3 66AF C90E EDC3 D878  7CDC 956D F4AB A377 1C9B
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