[tex-eplain] Found list of Font Packages + Fonts by Name in TeX

terry.s at Safe-mail.net terry.s at Safe-mail.net
Wed Oct 25 01:50:51 CEST 2023


I haven't had time to look at email since getting back, but it's funny how you find stuff ONLY when you look for something else! (Was looking for covers for old PDFs from OpenLibrary which were missing theirs ... different search terms ... and thought to click links to some websites.)

I found this SourceForge post with several high-quality screenshots, a couple of TeX sources (1 wouldn't compile for me due to font issues + perhaps written for different engine/format), and tips. This was exactly what I was looking for! (Even if they're a little outdated, they will help ... it's not just Computer Modern et. al.) Best post on TeX fonts I have ever found!

This post on StackExchange:

Have the great-TeXt day!
Terry S.

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