[tex-eplain] Is there a list of fonts usable by TeX alone, or a TeX command to return names?

terry.s at Safe-mail.net terry.s at Safe-mail.net
Mon Oct 16 13:47:49 CEST 2023


I've searched on StackExchange and elsewhere, but even when people ask about "fonts supported by plain TeX", people seem to answer a *different* question: e.g. fonts usable by LaTeX, you can use any font in (XeTeX...LuaTeX...insert engine here), this is a link to the list on CTAN (no, that's all the font packages that come with TeX live, regardless of format), here's the LaTeX command to get a list of fonts, here's a Bash script you can run on Linux to get a list of fonts in LaTeX, here's a package containing all the original Knuth fonts (at least that's germaine to the topic) and so on.

I know where to FIND fonts (C:...\texmf-dist\fonts\tmf\public) but that only tells me the *filenames* (of 32k+ fonts, surely not all compilable with just "tex"). The font *names* I know and try don't work, and I can't view most of these fonts in AMP Font Viewer (it can understand TTF and PS, installed to Windows or not).

I tried Karl's command (on the off chance I had the font):
\font\1="Liberation Serif"
...but I don't have this font. (The fonts I tested with OpTeX don't work with TeX alone, meaning both format + engine.)

So: is there a TeX command to return the list of *proper names* of fonts supported by TeX only?
Is there a tool on TeX Live that does it?
Is there such a list on the Internet?
Is there a FREE 3rd-party tool compatible with Windows/multi-platform designed to return fonts that meet this criteria? (long shot)

Thank you very much,
Terry S.

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