[pstricks] pstricks and xelatex

Norberto Moreno Quiben quiben at fastmail.com
Sun Sep 5 22:27:05 CEST 2021

Thank you for your answer, Herbert.
I eliminated the line that gave you an error (for me it is working fine) 
and the references to it in the example. The output of xelatex gives the 
same mixture of text, line and labels but the latex-to-ps2pdf works just 
fine. I should add that xelatex was giving the correct output two months 
ago (I use xelatex as the default engine in LaTeX-iT to generate 
pstricks graphics to embed them in presentations).

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %useful to type directly diacritic 


\def\Vi{V$\mskip-5mu _i$}
\! = {ST}
:[scaleby=1.5]{SN$\mskip-5mu _k$}(<vartri>{The student}) 
:!b [scaleby=1.5]{SV}
:{h$\mskip-5mu _k$}{V'}
:{SAdv}(<vartri>{carefully})   [scaleby=1.5]{V'}
: {$h_i$}@A2  [scaleby=1.5]{SN}
  : {D}({the}) {N'}(<vert>{N}({test})) .
\psset{scaleby=.6 .6}
\!b = {T}
:!c {Conc} .
\!c = {T}
:{\Vi}({examined}@B2 )  {T}  .


Norberto Moreno Quibén
TELING (grupo de lingüística teórica de la UAH)
Coordinador de primer curso del grado de Humanidades
Dpto. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
Área de Lengua Española
Universidad de Alcalá
C/ Trinidad, 5
28801, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7524-7636
"Much is uncertain, and must remain so." Mental Reality, Galen Strawson

On 5 Sep 2021, at 21:23, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Am 05.09.21 um 20:37 schrieb Norberto Moreno Quiben:
>> \documentclass[10pt]{article}
>> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %useful to type directly diacritic 
>> characters
>> \usepackage{pstricks,pst-jtree,pst-node}
>> \listfiles
>> \begin{document}
>> \jtree[xunit=2.8em,yunit=1em]
>> \def\{[labelgapb=-1.2ex]}%@1
> I get an error here and it looks wrong to me ...
> Herbert
>> \def\Vi{V$\mskip-5mu _i$}
>> ! = {ST}
>> :[scaleby=1.5]{SN$\mskip-5mu _k$}(<vartri>{The student}) 
>> [scaleby=1.5]{T'}
>> :!b [scaleby=1.5]{SV}
>> :{h$\mskip-5mu _k$}{V'}
>> :{SAdv}(<vartri>{carefully}) [scaleby=1.5]{V'}
>> : {$h_i$}@A2 [scaleby=1.5]{SN}
>> : {D}({the}) {N'}(<vert>{N}({test})) .
>> \psset{scaleby=.6 .6}
>> !b = {T}
>> :!c {Conc}\({$\scriptstyle [3sg]$}) .
>> !c = {T}
>> :{\Vi}({examined}@B2 ) {T}\({$\scriptstyle [pas]$}) .
>> \nccurve[angleB=-90,nodesepB=.5ex, 
>> nodesepA=.5ex,angleA=-90,ncurv=1]{<-}{B2}{A2}
>> \endjtree
>> \end{document}
>> Norberto Moreno Quibén
>> TELING (grupo de lingüística teórica de la UAH)
>> Coordinador de primer curso del grado de Humanidades
>> Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
>> Área de Lengua Española
>> Universidad de Alcalá (UAH)
>> C/ Trinidad, 5
>> 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
>> http://www.quiben.net
>> ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7524-7636 <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7524-7636>
>> "Much is uncertain, and must remain so." Mental Reality, Galen 
>> Strawson
>> --
>> list: https://lists.tug.org/pstricks
>> archive: https://tug.org/pipermail/pstricks/
> --
> list: https://lists.tug.org/pstricks
> archive: https://tug.org/pipermail/pstricks/
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