[pstricks] pstricks and adjustbox via latex-dvips-pspdf vs xelatex

Norberto Moreno Quibén quiben at gmail.com
Mon May 11 19:13:31 CEST 2020

Dear friends members:

When I run the document test-adjust-dvips.tex with latex-dvips-psdf I 
obtain the output test-adjust-dvips.pdf where everything is fine and in 
place but when I run the same document, now renamed 
test-adjust-xelatex.tex, with xelatex I obtain the output 
test-adjust-xelatex.pdf in which the annotations over the arrows have 
been displaced. I have no clue on what it is going on. Any help will be 
much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Norberto Moreno Quibén
Área de Lengua Española
Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
Universidad de Alcalá - UAH

Facultad de Educación
Despacho 4-13
C/ Madrid, s/n
19001 Guadalajara
(34) 949 20 9773

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
C/ Trinidad, 5
28801 Alcalá de Henares

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7524-7636

"Much is uncertain, and must remain so." Mental Reality, Galen Strawson
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\! = {SN}
: {D}({el}) {N'}
:[scaleby=1.3]{N'}(<vert>{N}({libro}))  {SC}
: !b [scaleby=1.5]{C'}
:{C$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [-Q,+qu]$}}$} {ST}
:{SN}(<vartri>{Juan} ) {T'}
:{T}({\only<2->{dijo}}@A1 )  {SV}
:{V}({\only<2->{\sout{dijo}}}@A2 ) {SC}
: !a [scaleby=1.5]{C'}
:{C$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [-Q,+qu]$}}$}({que}) {ST}
:{SN}(<vartri>{María}) {T'}
:{T}({\only<2->{quería}}@A ) {SV}
:{V}({\only<2->{\sout{quería}}}@B ) {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{\sout<3->{que}}@E ). 
\only<4->{\!b = {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{que}@F1 ) . }
\only<3->{\!a = {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{\sout<4->{que}}@F ) . }
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{red}\scriptsize V$\rightarrow$T}}
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{blue}\scriptsize Movimiento-qu}}
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{blue}\scriptsize Movimiento-qu}}  
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{red}\scriptsize V$\rightarrow$T}}
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\! = {SN}
: {D}({el}) {N'}
:[scaleby=1.3]{N'}(<vert>{N}({libro}))  {SC}
: !b [scaleby=1.5]{C'}
:{C$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [-Q,+qu]$}}$} {ST}
:{SN}(<vartri>{Juan} ) {T'}
:{T}({\only<2->{dijo}}@A1 )  {SV}
:{V}({\only<2->{\sout{dijo}}}@A2 ) {SC}
: !a [scaleby=1.5]{C'}
:{C$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [-Q,+qu]$}}$}({que}) {ST}
:{SN}(<vartri>{María}) {T'}
:{T}({\only<2->{quería}}@A ) {SV}
:{V}({\only<2->{\sout{quería}}}@B ) {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{\sout<3->{que}}@E ). 
\only<4->{\!b = {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{que}@F1 ) . }
\only<3->{\!a = {SN$_{\rlap{$\scriptstyle [+qu]$}}$}(<vartri>{\sout<4->{que}}@F ) . }
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{red}\scriptsize V$\rightarrow$T}}
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{blue}\scriptsize Movimiento-qu}}
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{blue}\scriptsize Movimiento-qu}}  
\ncput*[nrot=:U]{\color{red}\scriptsize V$\rightarrow$T}}
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