[pstricks] Help in color gradient should be in single color (black)

Juergen Gilg gilg at acrotex.net
Tue Feb 22 11:27:07 CET 2011

Hi Saravanan,

using your code below
> \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-129,
> -670){\psframebox[linewidth=0pt,linecolor=white,fillstyle=gradient,gradbegin=black!12,gradend=white,gradmidpoint=-.90,framearc=0]{\hbox 
> to 192mm{\vbox to 250mm{}}}}\end{picture}}
> I am using dvips to convert .dvi to .ps file and using Acrobat 
> to convert PS to PDF. In Pitstop says "Document uses 3 
> separations, should be less than equal to 0 (1x)", but I used
> only black no other color.
didn't give any errors on my side distilling it to the PDF. 
However the result is a white paper.

Try out the following code which gives a fine gradient such as 
wanted i guess.


Hope this helps,

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