[pstricks] [Fwd: pstricks/pst-solides3d question]

Christoph Bersch usenet at bersch.net
Tue Jun 10 11:13:02 CEST 2008

I posted something in comp.text.tex:

Aaron Jackson schrieb:
> I would really like to have a pstricks picture of a truncated
> octahedron
> Would anybody know a way to induce pst-solides3d to generate one?

I don't have any data for a truncated octahedron, but you can make one
by yourself as follows:

In a file 'points.dat' you must write the 3D coordinates of all points,
one point in each line:


---- points.dat ----
0 0 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

These points you must generate by yourself.
Next you need a second data file, where you define all faces referencing
to the points (0 ... (N-1)) in 'points.dat'.

---- faces.dat ----
[ 0 1 2 3 ]

An example TeX-file may look as follows:


\psset{lightsrc=50 10 30}
\psset{SphericalCoor,viewpoint=50 -10 30,Decran=60,unit=3}


     sommets= (points.dat) run,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,
     faces={(faces.dat) run}]%



I hope this helps you to generate your own solide object!


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