[pstricks] ps4pdf question

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Sat Mar 20 07:34:52 CET 2004

Jan Eden wrote:
> I read the ps4pdf manual, and I seem to have missed the advantage over the traditional method of using latex, dvips and ps2pdf for the whole document.
> ps4pdf seems to do the same thing, while making the process more complex: extracting all pstricks code during a run of latex, processing it with dvips and ps2pdf and then re-insert the resulting pdf images in the original document in a subsequent pdflatex run.
> All processes involved in the traditional method are used, and pdflatex is called as an additional process.
> I expect this to be slower.
> Or am I wrong?

you missed the important fact: ps4pdf uses preview-latex
in the background. This is the reason why dvips produces
in any case the right image. Compare to pdftricks, where
you can have a lot of problems when your pstricks image
has no text elements to build the bounding box.



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