[pstricks] ps4pdf question

Jan Eden lists at janeden.org
Fri Mar 19 22:55:13 CET 2004

Hi fellows,

I read the ps4pdf manual, and I seem to have missed the advantage over the traditional method of using latex, dvips and ps2pdf for the whole document.

ps4pdf seems to do the same thing, while making the process more complex: extracting all pstricks code during a run of latex, processing it with dvips and ps2pdf and then re-insert the resulting pdf images in the original document in a subsequent pdflatex run.

All processes involved in the traditional method are used, and pdflatex is called as an additional process.

I expect this to be slower.

Or am I wrong?


Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

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