Problems with pstricks and xdvi

David Goldschmidt gold at
Wed Sep 1 17:39:57 CEST 1999

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>>>>> "Denis" == Denis Girou <Denis.Girou at> writes:

>>>>> "Ramesh.Balakrishnan" == Ramesh Balakrishnan <ramesh at> writes:
    Denis>   Convert the dvi file to PostScript and use a PostScript viewver
    Denis> (recent versions of xdvi can deal with some PostScript operators,
    Denis> but I'm not sure that all Seminar is supported).

I have a somewhat similar problem involving incompatibility between pstricks
and xdvi.  Namely, I want to use pstricks to draw complicated commutative
diagrams, but they don't get displayed properly in xdvi.  I'm wondering if
there is a solution which preserves the hyperlink capability of xdvi (I use
the hyperref package).

David Goldschmidt

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