Problems with pstricks and xdvi

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Sep 1 18:13:06 CEST 1999

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>>>>> "David.Goldschmidt" == David Goldschmidt <gold at> writes:

    David.Goldschmidt> I have a somewhat similar problem involving incompatibility between pstricks
    David.Goldschmidt> and xdvi.  Namely, I want to use pstricks to draw complicated commutative
    David.Goldschmidt> diagrams, but they don't get displayed properly in xdvi.  I'm wondering if
    David.Goldschmidt> there is a solution which preserves the hyperlink capability of xdvi (I use
    David.Goldschmidt> the hyperref package).

  I can't answer for xdvi, that I don't use since years. Looking at versions
available on CTAN (several new releases in August), it is heavily supported
and developed, but I can't say what are the current PostScript abilities and
limitations (perhaps that somebody here can answer).

  But I'm convainced (even if it can be discussed) that for functionalities
like hyperlinks, the dvi format is not well designed and that the pdf one is a
lot more easier and promising. Nevertheless, everybody know that relatively to
pdf, the situation is not too easy for us (as PSTricks users), as the pdf
format doesn't include the programming capabilities of PostScript heavily used 
by PSTricks.

  There are several ways and tools to generate pdf files from LaTeX documents
(with often various limitations), but, as far as I know, at least Distiller
from Adobe and the VTeX compiler from MicroPress can deal both PSTricks code
and hyperlinks. For the other alternatives available that I know: pdflatex
doesn't support inlining of PostScript code, so not PSTricks ; I believe that
GhostScript utilities doesn't preserve hyperlinks ; dvipdfm doesn't support
PSTricks - at least last time that I check, but there are several new versions
since this moment ; I never try PSTill: any experiences here?


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