Problems with pstricks and xdvi

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Sep 1 16:26:26 CEST 1999

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>>>>> "Ramesh.Balakrishnan" == Ramesh Balakrishnan <ramesh at> writes:

    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> Hello,
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> I have quite a bit of a problem with pstricks and xdvi (assuming I do
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> not have a problem with anything else !).
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> I am trying to make slides using the seminar.sty file written by Van
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> Zandt. When I use the following lines in the preamble of my file:
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> \usepackage{fancybox,colordvi,semcolor}
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> \newcommand{\heading}[1]{\begin{center}\shadowbox{\Red{\sc{#1}}}\end{center}}

    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> I get the following message on the screen

    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> xdvi.bin:  special "" not implemented
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> xdvi.bin:  special "color push Red" not implemented
    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> ...

    Ramesh.Balakrishnan> Would you be knowing how I could resolve this problem ?

  Convert the dvi file to PostScript and use a PostScript viewver (recent
versions of xdvi can deal with some PostScript operators, but I'm not sure
that all Seminar is supported).

  P.S. * Do not use the old `colordvi' package but the standard `color' one
(that you must load with `pstcol' with Seminar). Verify if you really need
`fancybox' (which has pitfalls), as `semcolor' that you also load has better
framing capabilities.
       * Look at the Seminar FAQ for more examples and advices.
       * This list is devoted to PSTricks only and not too other works of
Timothy van Zandt, as Seminar.
       * Better disable HTML generation of your mailer.

  Good luck.

Denis Girou
Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique                             |
Bâtiment 506 - B.P. 167 - 91403 Orsay Cedex - France                     |

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