problem test-pst.tex

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Sep 9 19:53:49 CEST 1998

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>>>>> "Bernd.Brandt" == Bernd Brandt <bernd at> writes:

    Bernd.Brandt> I have a problem with 'test-pst.tex' from 'pstricks/doc'
    Bernd.Brandt> I was running out of memory
    Bernd.Brandt> ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=262141].
    Bernd.Brandt> Is this normal? Or can one increase TeX memory, since no \clearpage was present in the original test-pst.tex

  Normal? Yes or no... At least it was expected, as the doc/README file (on the
version available on CTAN since beginning of July, but probably not on the
ones of the distributions packaged by distributors) explicitely say that
"550446 words of memory" are required to compile the file. So, if you have
only 262141 on your configuration, obviously you will run out of memory.

  I did not expect that it was such a problem for people on our days,
as obviously even domestic computers have today rather large memories
and as "modern" TeX engines (new teTeX versions and various PC and Mac
versions) have easy possibilities to increase the configuration parameters
of the TeX engine - when your configuration declare 260 KB for memory, mine
declare 12 MB!, which in fact is not a so stupid value as I have some graphics
defined by recursive algorithms, very consuming in memory.

    Bernd.Brandt> After inserting 3 \clearpages the problem was solved.

  Nevertheless, you are right that we must avoid such problem just inserting
explicit page breaks (this is not specific to PSTricks, but just the standard
way to avoid TeX to keep everything in memory until he find a page break,
which can cause memory problems if there are a lot of consecutive graphics,
as in the PSTricks test file).

  Of course, the inconvenience is that modifications in the file must take
care to adjust also the page breaks. Nevertheless, I do it for the upcoming
1.3 version of test-pst.tex. Memory requirement decrease from 550446 to
178853, so I hope that this problem will disappear for everybody in the

    Bernd.Brandt> Secondly, I keep having problems with lgc/4-7-4.inl
    Bernd.Brandt> Somehow the \newcommand\lang[4] is incorrect. When it is present in the file the follwing error is produced:
    Bernd.Brandt> ! Missing number, treated as zero.
    Bernd.Brandt> <to be read again> 
    Bernd.Brandt>                    !
    Bernd.Brandt> l.26 \lang{Romanian}{1}{3}{green}

  You are the first to report such a problem. 4-7-4.inl run (of course)
correctly for me, as your test case. As in occur at the LaTeX level, the TeX
engine is surely not involved, but probably your LaTeX or PSTricks
installation. First, send me privately the .log file of your test case.



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