problem test-pst.tex

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Thu Sep 10 18:43:15 CEST 1998

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    Bernd.Brandt> Secondly, I keep having problems with lgc/4-7-4.inl
    Bernd.Brandt> Somehow the \newcommand\lang[4] is incorrect. When it is present in the file the follwing error is produced:
    Bernd.Brandt> ! Missing number, treated as zero.
    Bernd.Brandt> <to be read again> 
    Bernd.Brandt>                    !
    Bernd.Brandt> l.26 \lang{Romanian}{1}{3}{green}

  We clarify this problem with Bernd today. The answer may interest somebody
else. The problem was due to the version of the `calc' package he had on his
installation. He run the 4.1a version from July 6. This release had a major
bug diagnosed and corrected very fast, in fact the following day, July 7,
but Bernd was unlucky and had the wrong one. So, the conclusion is to don't
use the 4.1a version but the 4.1b one.


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